Monday, 6 November 2023

The Bar Car

"Oh, Sam! What a little beauty!"

By now I'm sure many have heard of Rapido Trains Titfield Thunderbolt range that is slowly starting to release piece by piece. Sadly, mainly due to operational potential for my modelling, a Thunderbolt train pack was totally out of the question. However, being a fan of the Wisbech & Upwell tramway, there wasn't a chance I was going to pass up on the Titfield train's coach.

It's a fantastic model, and I'm having great fun finding all the details. It's nice when you can keep coming back to one and finding new things you hadn't spotted before, much like exhibition layouts. Having just the coach also presents the opportunity to make a matching 14XX and a Toad brake van, both of which are planned to be bashed from ex-Airifx models over the winter period. If I've more time on my hands then the cattle truck seen during the market day train at the start of the film is also up for modelling.

I'm now stuck with a dilemma though.

Despite not having had the coach 48 hours at the time of writing, I like it probably too much. There is a strong temptation to get at least one of the British Railways brown variants to go with the lone J70 (Toby) tram I have. The urge to build a Upwell inspired micro layout is rising.

Another one for 'the list'...

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