Monday, 25 March 2024

Face Off

And we return to Corri-llyn.

For such a simple layout, it's deceptively tricky and not as quite a clear cut build as it first appears. In this example, I really need to get round to finishing laying the track, but as I want the station building and engine shed to be almost parallel with each other I need to get the platform either in place or at least marked out. But in order to get the platform true dimensions I need to add the facia boards in as they add another 6mm of surface space around the edge of the layout.

As you can see, it very easily gets out of control.

So making a start on the facia boards, it was a case of taking two steps forward one step back. The station platform will eventually be realised with layers of 1mm card, so a rough template was cut out. The platform ends were then marked on the baseboard top allowing for the extra height to be marked somewhat accurately onto the facia.

From there it was just a case of slowly working my way round the board, measuring twice, cutting once and adding in the undulations of hills and dips along the way. The four facia boards were then attached to the original baseboard simply using a mixture of PVA and panel pins.

Surprisingly, it all went together very smoothly. My ability to cut with a tenon saw & razor saw must be improving, or maybe I just got lucky with all the curving lines!

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