Monday, 25 November 2024

Coaches in Basecoats

Progress on anything is relatively slow at the moment, so it's a case of finding the small jobs that can be done in an hour or two, rather than looking for all day ones. To that end, the recently cut and shut Vale of Rheidol coach set were given their first couple of coats of paint.

Using paints from the Revell 'aqua color' range, all the woodwork inside and out was given an undercoat of Earth Brown (87) with what would be metal parts undercoated in Leather Brown (84). From there the main base colours are added, using the artist's technique of starting with the lighter colours and working into the darker ones. First, frames for the drop windows on the doors were painted Africa Brown (17) followed by the rest of the body gaining an all over coat of Brown (381). The latter is a silk paint, but a colour wash later on dulls this to a more matt finish. Lastly, the frames, footboards, bogies and vac pipes are painted into Tank Grey (78).

As a comparison, here's one of the unweathered four compartments next to the older five compartment coach. Just how much difference a dark wash makes on the silk finish is quite apparent.

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