Monday, 22 April 2024

Statfold Barn Model Railway Show 2024

A couple of Saturdays ago saw me heading back over to the Statfold Barn Railway for their now annual model railway exhibition, very much a delayed birthday outing from February. As always, what follows is not a blow by blow account of every layout there, just a small selection.

Firstly, I must apologise for any omissions or mix ups with the descriptions. Unfortunately Statfold didn't provide a physical show guide, it all being done with QR codes and the internet instead, so I'm trying my best to work with my not so great memory, the few images I have and a layout list from The UK Model Shop Directory. Even looking online at the official show guide only shows layout names and scales, but no operators/owners. Any corrections are duly appreciated!

Port Dinorwic (OO/OO9) Kathy Millatt - Mixed standard and narrow gauge. One thing I did really liked about this one, and something I can't say I've seen at any other show, is that the fiddle yard ends had large perspex windows to look at the other stock. It's not everyone's cup of tea being able to see behind the scenes but I quite like it, though probably not something for every layout.


Corrish (009) George Williamson - I've been following George's progress on this layout (And more recently his Nant Gwernol layout) on his YouTube channel for some time now, so it was nice to see it in person.

Hodgemead (OO9) - Simple but very nicely sceniced narrow gauge layout. The water in particular was very nicely done.

Ashgate (OO9) - An interesting use of selective compression in this Ashover Light Railway based model. The main elements of the Ashover terminus are there (Bar the turning triangle) but even laid out like this the scene and location are easily recognisable. In particular, the backscene blends really nicely with the foreground scenics.


Titfield (OO) - I really liked this. Instead of modelling the fictional Titfield the layout represents Monkton Combe as it appeared during filming of 'The Titfield Thunderbolt', complete with film crew. I nice touch was the working scale studio lamps, as per prototype emitting a very strong light, though this isn't too noticeable in photos. The brake van seems to have gone missing at some point on the return from Mallingford!


Shovel Head Halt (OO) - Small and simple micro layout.

Lapping Works (00) Matt Stevens - GWR Micro layout. Spot the terrier lurking in the back!

Derwent Road (O9) Bill Flude - Leighton Buzzard inspired preserved industrial narrow gauge. Just like the prototype, what was once open space has been encroached upon by modern housing, resulting in some interesting scenery for the trains to run through.

Port William (OO9) David Wright - As always, fantastic scenery work by David. It does seem rather odd seeing it in a historically based setting rather than the fantasy world of his other layout 'Raven's Ravine'!

Overall, an enjoyable day. I'll admit I did feel it was slightly let down by the attitudes of some of the other attendees (Very much the 'I've got a bigger/better camera' or 'don't you know who I am?' brigades) but this is very much a probably a personal thing, perhaps I was just in the wrong parts of the exhibition at the wrong times, or perhaps I should start going on Sundays during two day events, I hear they're often calmer. A shame really, as the Statfold staff and layout operators had put in a lot of effort, I do hope it went well for them.

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