Monday, 29 April 2024


I had a surprisingly productive Sunday model railway-wise. I think I might actually be starting to get my creative thought processes back, not just with tiny trains but with art in general. It's a really nice feeling after seemingly hitting a mental block back in January.

One thing that did take me very much by surprise though was the urge to finish the Toad-ish brake van project. A scratch built body running on a Peco N Gauge 15ft wagon chassis (NR-122) Some may remember the state it was left in last December, very much unloved and relegated to sit in the stock box till another time.

In the space of a day it went from that ghostly white shell to finished (Or as near as, I may add a little more soot weathering to the ends) Alongside being my first scratch built item of rolling stock there was something else I wanted to try here: I'd been painting wagons in Revell's Leather Brown but being so dark a shade it doesn't really show up the detail that well, even after weathering. Having used a 'silk matt' brown from the same range on a pair of Talyllyn Coaches I decided to try that here. It's a good deal lighter, and after a dark wash is applied it takes all the shine out whilst showing up the details nicely.

Having had the customary works photos on The Garden Railway the chance was taken to pose the new van with a couple of different locomotives. Size-wise the van is roughly the same dimensions as the Talyllyn's No.4 coach, adn there's certainly plans to paint the spare Meridian kit I have in the same scheme.

Posed with one of the 009 Society wagons painted in the darker Leather Brown, the difference is immediately notable. Seems all the brown stock will be getting a trip to the paint shop at some point!

Let's hope this new found creative streak continues.

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